
骑士游戏 2024-05-14 09:51 1




1、As a child you would wait ,and watch from far away .当你还是懵懂小孩,常在远处观看比赛。

2、But you always knew that you'd be the one work while they all play但你早已心怀期待,立志登上荆棘舞台。

3、In youth ,you'd lay---awake at night and scheme当你年少独自入睡,总在半夜突然醒来。

4、Of all the things that you would change决心尽力改变一切,But it just a dream……梦想却总被现实主宰……(但那只是虚梦……)Here we are don't turn away ,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town !我们建立这座城池,身披战铠!Here we are don't turn away ,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们建立这座城池,身披战铠,满身尘埃……The time will come when you will he to rise当你已有实力问鼎,你的时代就会到来Above the best and prove yourself击败强证明自己Your spirit nr dies你的斗志永盛不衰Farewell , I' ve gone to take my throne above对着大众挥手作别,我已让出我的华盖But don't weep for me ,cause this will be the labor of my love不要为我落寞徘徊,因我内心依旧澎湃。

5、Here we are don't turn away ,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town !我们建立这座城池,身披战铠!Here we are don't turn away ,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们建立这座城池,身披战铠,满身尘埃……Here we are don't turn away ,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town !我们建立这座城池,身披战铠!Here we are don't turn away ,now~我们现在就在这里,不要走开~We are the Warriors that built this town from dust我们建立这座城池,身披战铠,满身尘埃……。


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